Toilet paper shortage is now real!
It could just be that the toilet paper will run out soon. Not because we are hoarding, but because of a shortage of sea containers.
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it could just be that the toilet paper will be gone later not because we hoard but because of a shortage of sea containers
We couldn't stop talking about it during the first corona wave. Are we seriously hoarding toilet paper en masse, when there is no shortage at all? There is no lack of explanation: it would give a feeling of control over the virus, we like to stock up anyway, humans are just like a hamster. And: if the majority does, we are happy to participate. Images of empty shelves – which would imply scarcity – didn't help either.
And now there is a real threat of a shortage of toilet paper, Walter Schalka, chairman of Suzano, said in conversation with Bloomberg news agency . Suzano is the largest producer of wood pulp in the world – that's what toilet paper is made from.
Deliveries delayed
In recent months, a large container shortage has arisen due to the increased demand for containers from China. Freight costs have risen and deliveries have slowed down. That shortage spills over to bulk transport, which also causes the supply of wood pulp to stagnate.