Roca In-Wash Inspiration
Roca In-Wash Inspira. Undiscovered pearl within the DoucheWC market in the Netherlands
Roca is a brand that has remained quite under the radar of consumers in the Netherlands until now. Nevertheless, Roca is one of the largest players in the sanitary sector worldwide. You see this Spanish manufacturer a lot in Spain, of course, but it is also the largest supplier of high-end sanitary products in North and South America. Like every leading company in this sector, Roca has also developed a Shower WC that is worth it. As we at Bidet Shower test every Shower Toilet that we include in our range, we also subjected Roca In-Wash to a thorough test session and we have to conclude that this Shower Toilet is not disappointing. On the contrary, it exceeds our expectations. A solid design, a wide range of functions and an elegant design means that this Roca Shower Toilet can compete with the leading brands in the market, such as Geberit and Toto. The price tag, on the other hand, is a lot milder. For less than EUR 2000 you can get this phenomenal shower toilet at home!
It doesn't get much better. Grab this Shower Toilet now because it may sound a bit exaggerated, but your life will be a lot more comfortable without the primitive wipe with a piece of paper. Every day again. Press a button for superior cleaning or a refined fig leaf. The choice is yours.
Take a look at it here at your leisure >> https://bidetdouche.nl/roca-in-wash%C2%AE-inspira.html
Or view it live in our showroom, where you can see and even experience not only the Roca, but all shower toilets on the market while enjoying a nice cup of coffee!